As BELKA Inc., the scope of services we provide in terms of human and labor force is beyond the selection and employment of personnel to be employed in Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. BELKA Inc., which attaches importance to technological investments, sustainable energy and environmental engineering issues, is “human en with the highest priority and power source while taking all these steps.
For this reason, the most important service provided by BELKA Inc., which takes “human olarak as the pioneer of everything, is actually in the field of occupational health and safety. Working with the goal of minimizing occupational accidents and occupational diseases, BELKA Inc. makes every effort to ensure that every worker is able to return from work to home, loved ones, in a healthy way.
Within the Scope of Occupational Health and Safety Service;
Esertepe Mah. Esertepe Rekreasyon Alanı • Küme Evleri No : 1 Keçiören Ankara TURKEY
Phone : +90 (312) 278 50 65 • +90 (312) 299 42 05
Fax : +90 (312) 299 42 03