We are here to provide the laborforce, equipment, machinery, service and technology power required for the full benefit of the municipal services of the people of Ankara.
We work with our ideal of being an exemplary institution based on human and environment, high service quality, open to continuous development, and realize firsts with our technology and clean energy projects that will change the future of the city positively.
As BELKA Inc., we share our values that make us what we can never change and with our country, especially the people of Ankara. With each value you will read below, we give direction to all the works we do and do.
Esertepe Mah. Esertepe Rekreasyon Alanı • Küme Evleri No : 1 Keçiören Ankara TURKEY
Phone : +90 (312) 278 50 65 • +90 (312) 299 42 05
Fax : +90 (312) 299 42 03