To provide sustainable energy solutions specific to Ankara and to establish facilities and infrastructure system for this purpose.
Reducing the costs of electricity expenditures, economic development of the people living in villages and mainly engaged in agriculture, environmentalism and air quality increase.
Establishment of a joint venture with a selected international energy company for the establishment and financing of solar power plants and electricity generation systems for villages.
International cooperation or representation activities are also ongoing. Activities were initiated for the establishment and financing of solar systems and electricity generation systems for villages. Negotiations with a company that is building India’s largest solar systems are in progress with several Chinese companies. Negotiations are also held with universities in Ankara for the same purpose. The senior executives of the foreign companies were invited to Ankara to see the places where the solar fields will be built and to discuss the finance models.
Esertepe Mah. Esertepe Rekreasyon Alanı • Küme Evleri No : 1 Keçiören Ankara TURKEY
Phone : +90 (312) 278 50 65 • +90 (312) 299 42 05
Fax : +90 (312) 299 42 03