To accelerate the process of transitioning to new and more environment-friendly vehicle solutions working on electricity instead of fuel in public transportation.
It is aimed to meet the people of Ankara with zero emission, silent and comfortable public transportation, to make the city to be an exemplary environment sensitive example and to meet with more economical transportation and to make the citizens prefer public transportation.
Use of trolley buses and converting old diesel and CNG fueled buses into electric buses. 1 bus transformation will be made as a prototype and technical and financial feasibility will be made on the application of 400-500 old model bus after 4-5 months trial period.
Electric Bus, Metrobus or Trambus options will be handled considering the passenger density, route conditions and infrastructure conditions and will be presented to the relevant authorities by optimization. In the Trolleybus Project, the line is planned on Hipodrom-Ulus-Turgut Ozal Street-Karapurcek. In the Electric Bus project, one of the Ego A74 MAN buses, which have completed their 10-year life, is planned to be powered by electric cycle and decided to continue as a result of the financial and technical feasibility.
Esertepe Mah. Esertepe Rekreasyon Alanı • Küme Evleri No : 1 Keçiören Ankara TURKEY
Phone : +90 (312) 278 50 65 • +90 (312) 299 42 05
Fax : +90 (312) 299 42 03